Monday, February 25, 2013

My Introduction to South Korea

     This being my first post I’ve decided it will be a general overview of me in relation to Korea.  And this probably goes without saying but every time I mention “Korea” I’m talking about South Korea, I’ll specify if I’m talking of North Korea.
     My interest in Korea started about six months ago.  A friend of mine introduced me to some Asian music which lead me to discover Asian Dramas, namely Korean.  After watching a few of those I grew increasingly interested in the culture I was seeing portrayed through the dramas and decided to research it for myself.  After that I was hooked and have been continuously immersing myself as much as I can from the States.  I have always been intrigued by cultures that are different from mine and Asian cultures have always awed me with their beauty and rich heritage.  I’m inspired by the respect they show for each other and how they still practice many of their traditions from hundreds of years ago and.  Out of the Asian countries, Korea was the one that caught my eye.  Her culture is truly unique from her food all the way down to her one-of-a-kind language.  The language is what really grabbed my attention because there is nothing else like it in the world.  It was even put into its own grouping of languages because it was so different from every other language, even the Asian ones.  I’m very excited to learn more about Korea’s history, customs, language, way of life, and way of thought.
Traditional Korean Building
Traditional Korean Dress


  1. What a great idea! You have designed a beautiful blog. I can't wait to read your posts!

  2. WHY DOES THIS BLOG LOOK SO LEGIT AND I'VE HAD MINE FOR FOREVER AND COMPARED TO THIS IT LOOKS LIKE...something...compared to this. :) this is such a good idea! you better post ALL THE TIME. :)
